Comprehensive Plan 2040

BellaVistaLogo_CompPlan2040_v1.2-1-300x194Comp Plan 2040 is the city's 20-year comprehensive plan, passed by a vote of the City Council members September 28, 2020. This plan will act as a guide – not a guarantee – for city officials for the next 20 years and outlines a broad strategic vision for the future. It is not a sweeping authorization for action by city officials. The plan details identified needs for the city's future, and suggested ways to achieve those needs with responsible planning and development.

View the final version here.

The plan was created through a series of public input meetings, beginning in 2017. Prior to the first meeting, consultants wanted to get a better understanding of the community and its use by residents, business owners and property owners. Using two tools, a Community Survey and a Community Mapping Resource, residents and stakeholders provided specific feedback regarding  impressions and opinions regarding Bella Vista.  The survey and mapping tool were followed by the first public input meeting, the Visioning Summit held at Riordan Hall Aug. 22, 2017. An overview of the information gathered through the survey, mapping tool and public meeting can be found HERE.

CompPlan_ADOPTIONA community frameworks meeting followed. Participants worked with consultants to define six community frameworks: identity, development, connectivity, economic development, productivity and governance — which were then fine-tuned to provide the foundation for the Comprehensive Plan.

After multiple revisions and council member input, the revised plan went to the city's Planning Commission, where it was approved and sent back to council members for the final vote of approval. Council members sought public input one final time in July 2020 before casting their votes in September.